Today we show you how to hit a beginner backhand. This video is for players with a PlayYourCourt rating of 49 and below.
Scott and Nate from and today we’re gonna show you how to hit a beginner backhand. This video is for players with a PlayYourCourt rating of 49 and below. If you’re not in our community or familiar with our rating system, this is the equivalent of a beginner level tennis player or a USTA 2.5.
So when we talk about beginner backhands, the good news is there’s really only a couple different variations of this. The backhand you learn today is actually gonna look a lot like some of the backhands you see on the pro tour.
We are only talking about a two-handed backhand today. As a beginner that’s where I like you to start. The two-handed backhand, if you’ve realized later down the road that the one-hander is more natural, that’ll be we take that top hand off and we’ll instruct you to the one-hander. But it’s extremely important, if you’re just getting started, to learn the two-hander first.
STEP ONE is to cover the grip. Obviously there’s two hands on the racket so let’s talk about your top hand first. Me as a right-handed player, I’m gonna put my non-dominant, or my left hand, on top and my right hand, or my dominant hand, on bottom.
So let’s first talk about what I’m doing with my bottom hand, my right hand. If I approached my racket as if I was going to shake somebody’s hand, that is the grip I want you to have on the bottom of the racket. And to be quite honest, if this isn’t perfect that’s okay because the majority of your energy here should be coming from your left hand. The bottom hand is really just on here for stability. So if this isn’t perfect, it’s okay. But think handshake grip.
Your top hand, for me as a right-handed player, my left hand, I’m gonna take my hand and put it directly behind the back of the racket. You’ll see that my hand is completely behind the grip. That top knuckle on my index finger on my left hand, as well as my heel, is flush behind that racket providing maximum stability as I make contact with the ball.
So again to recap, bottom hand, we’re not that focused on it. Right hand, handshake grip. Top knuckle on my index finger as well as the heel of my hand is directly behind the racket. So now that we’ve talked about the grip, Nate’s gonna jump in and show you what to do with it and talk about how to swing.
STEP 2 – now that you have your grips let’s talk about the take back. When we take the racket back we’re gonna focus on our left hand, our non-dominant hand. And we’re gonna pull back with our shoulders and the hips. How far back do you need to go? Use the perimeter of getting your shoulder underneath your chin. The shoulder under the chin will ensure a full take back to give you maximum power to the ball. What’ll happen is if your shoulder floats away from the chin, you’re gonna open early and you’re gonna hook the ball wide.

As I take the racket back, I really can’t get the racket too low. In fact I want you to remember something, to dip the racket in the pool. Think being at a pool and tormenting a buddy. You walk, grab the water and you splash it up on them, right? It’s gonna be the same leverage that we’re creating with the backhand. I’m gonna dip the head of the racket into the pool, and I’m going to splash up to my follow through.
STEP 3 – The follow through. Think about answering the phone with both hands. We’re gonna get the racket nice and high, up to the ear. And with those three things, I think we’re gonna have a pretty good backhand.
So to recap, four things to think about with the beginner backhand:
Step one, the grip. We talked about the handshake on the bottom with the eastern grip on top, again that’s your index finger, the top knuckle and heel directly behind the back of the racket. And again don’t worry too much about your bottom hand. It’s gonna naturally shift and do its thing as you pull that racket back.
Step two, make sure you’re getting turned sideways with that shoulder under your chin.
Step three, dip that racket in the pool to fling that water up on your friend.
And step four, follow through tight by your ear.
If you do these four things you’re gonna be well on your way to hitting a great backhand. So I hope you enjoyed this video. I really want you to improve your tennis game.
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