Guest Blog Post By: Julian,
When compared to sports such as football, baseball, and soccer, there’s something unique about tennis. Tennis players often have some of the longest careers of any sport! That’s why many people say tennis is a lifelong sport. Whether you’re 6 or 60, you can get out on the court and swing a racquet.
In fact, I remember swinging a tennis racquet and playing against my grandfather as I was growing up. He was getting up there in age but he always managed to get on the court and play with me as I learned the sport.
Below, I’ll go through the main reasons why your children (after they stop playing football and soccer) will still be playing tennis.
1) No Contact Means Less Injuries

Number one on our list is also the most important to players and parents. When compared to football or lacrosse, tennis is way easier to play as you get older! You’re not tackling your opponent like in football or trying to steal the ball from him while playing soccer.
In fact, in tennis you’re even separated by a net from your opponent. This lack of contact means children and adults can get out there and play tennis for years longer than athletes in other sports.
2) Tennis Is A Social Sport

Tennis constantly gets you talking and interacting with people you don’t know. As it goes, you might not know your opponent when you step on the court but by the time you step off, you’re already friends.
I know I’ve had this experience countless times and others have too. Tennis is a great way to make lifelong friends and start talking with more people.
As your child grows older, tennis will provide the perfect avenue for social growth and exercise all at an affordable cost.
3) Tennis Can Be Affordable

With tennis, all you really need is a racquet, tennis balls, and a tennis court. In cities and rural areas alike, it’s usually easy to find free courts to play on. PlayYourCourt can help with this!
Quick Tip: Check your local high schools for tennis courts. If there’s a high school tennis league in your area, at least a couple of high schools will have tennis courts. And they’re free to play on!
And if you’re looking for some good tennis racquets for beginners, there’s plenty of options and guides on how to choose tennis rackets at Racquet Sports Center.
4) You Can Play All Year Round

If you want to keep playing tennis year round, you can! All you have to do is just find a local indoor court near you. Most places around the country have at least one indoor court, whether it’s in a bubble or part of a larger racquet club.
This allows you to progress in tennis constantly! Play through the winter indoors and when you start playing outside again, you’ll wow your opponents.
5) There Are Competitive Events for All Ages (Even 90 and up!)

Does your child have a competitive streak now? I know I did growing up. I loved playing games against people I didn’t know and often played in tournaments all around my house.
The USTA (United States Tennis Association) organizes games and tournaments for all ages. That’s right, all ages! They even have a 90 and over category. And it’s competitive! This unique opportunity gives your children the chance to continue to play competitively as they grow into adults.
As the USTA says, tennis is the sport of a lifetime. And that’s why your kids will still be playing tennis 20 years from now. And that’s why it’s important to give them a good foundation to start with. Start your child’s lifelong tennis journey off right with a local coach teaching your kid. Click here to see the amazing coaches in your community today!
About The Author
Julian has been playing tennis since he was a young kid and ultimately progressed to play at a D-I University for tennis. Now, he alternates spending time playing and coaching tennis, where he focuses on helping children and adults develop the necessary skills for tennis success. In his spare time, he runs a blog focusing on tennis equipment and tips at